5 de octubre de 2024

Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras

Our School at Christmas time

Nuestros alumnos de las diferentes etapas (nuestros periodistas) nos muestran el colegio en Navidad. Hemos invertido tiempo y cariño en decorar el centro con el espíritu navideño que nos caracteriza. Adjuntamos fotos que ilustran los diferentes lugares y algunas de las actividades realizadas en estos días.  

Acompañamos las imágenes con un vídeo ilustrativo. Este vídeo forma parte de un proyecto realizado con el colegio polaco Zespół Szkół de Cracovia en el que participamos en la Plataforma Europea Etwinning.

Our students from the different school stages (our journalists) show us the school at Christmas time. We have invested time and care in decorating the school with the Christmas spirit that characterizes us. We attach photos that illustrate the different places and some of the activities carried out during these days.

We accompany the images with an illustrative video. This video is part of a project carried out with the Polish school Zespół Szkół in Krakow with which we participate in the European Etwinning Platform.

Our school at Christmas time video

Reseña y carta de alumnas polacas sobre la Navidad en su colegio

Dear Students and Teachers of Colegio Buen Consejo La Laguna

Three students Ada, Anna and Wiktoria from class IC of the XXIII High School in Krakow wrote an article for your school magazine about how we celebrate Christmas in our school.
It is an honor for us that we can share our traditions with you and we are happy that this way we will experience Christmas together.
For Christmas we wish you all the best and have a nice holiday time with your families.

Best wishes,
IC class teacher

Anna Głogowska

Christmas preparation

Christmas is an extraordinary time. The festive atmosphere is shared by everyone. Preparations for it take place in shops, homes and also in most schools.

In our school, students decorate the classrooms with Christmas decorations. Paper stars hang from the ceiling, the entrance is lit with lights, and there is a beautiful Christmas tree in the corner next to them. In the last week before Christmas, class Christmas parties are organised. Pupils can bring something to eat and drink, but it’s mostly about spending time together. In the classrooms Christmas parties are carried out with tutors of particular classes. The high school and elementary school have similar vigils, and the reading of the Holy Bible is also included in the older grades. Pupils make wishes and share the wafer, and sometimes they also sing Christmas carols. In younger classes, where parents are more involved, delicious homemade cakes, i.e. poppy seed cake and fruit cake, are often tasted. There are also gingerbread and other cakes.

One of the school’s traditions is the annual nativity play. In high school the students of the first classes prepare it. Most of the time they have the traditional representation of the Holy Family in a crib with the shepherds, the scene is played by the students. However, this year students of classes 1B and 1C decided to make a more modern version. It was about a typical Polish family preparing for Christmas Eve in a normal house, showing the elements of our exceptional traditions connected with Christmas, such as one extra place for an unexpected guest or sharing the wafer and wishing your loved ones the best. Parents and teachers were invited to see the play. However, parents weren’t left out, they prepared cakes, cookies and other sweets for the party that took place afterwards. Students and the head teacher worked for a whole week on the play’s scenario.The actors were changed a few times, but in the end the result was great. As a prologue and bonus one of the students did a small piano concert, playing a few carols.

We think that such a Christmas meeting is really cool, because we can spend time with classmates and there is not always time to meet after school. We encourage you to organize such meetings and we wish you a Merry Christmas.

Ania, Ada, Wiktoria.

We also have a primary school in our Secondary School Complex. The students of this school prepared a nativity play in the traditional form this year. We are sending you a short video and some photos from this event.